Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Where the Rubber Meets the Road

Last week we concluded Sunday school by skimming a couple of articles demonstrating the cultural relevance of our study of the Trinity. I thought I would post them for you to read in their entirety if you're interested. Here is the Fox News article,2933,293394,00.html and the World Magazine story Also, I posed the question: What implications does the doctrine of the Trinity have on the Gospel? Any thoughts on this or other practical application of what we studied?


Nate Mihelis said...

The Gospel is one of the clearest evidences of the unity and diversity of the Trinity. The Father ordains and elects and sends the Son. The Son lives and dies a substituionary death, rises and ascends to the right hand of God to reign. The Spirit applies the Gospel, draws, regenerates,sanctifies and empowers. While they are one in purpose, the Father and Spirit were never and will never be incarnate and they didn't die on the cross. The Spirit does not reign from the right hand of God, etc. The Gospel is a perfect lense through which to see the unity yet distinction of the Godhead.

Josi-as-M-Bun-Ag said...

There is question last Sunday why God is referrred to in Plural and no one can answer it or because of time constraint it was not fully discussed. I wanted to answer it then but we have to move on.

God is always the MAJORITY. He over rules everything in anything. He is greater than all people dead and alive combined. He is superior in age. His age is more than the age of all people living and dead combined, include the animals, fish, bird, plants, microbes and anything you can think of for He is ageless. He outvotes all the living and dead combined. His military rank and commission is above all and His office is in Heaven seated on a throne high and lifted up and His train filled the temple. I believe those are the few reasons I can think of why He is reffered to in plural and I am sure there are more reasons. Have you heard the saying that goes this way; "I with God is the majority." I, the ugly, pygmy(Martin Luther once called himself), worm as I am becomes the majority because of God. He alone by Himself is the MAJORITY. Amen, brothers and sisters?